Cybersecurity is the management practice governing all of the digital equipment and software, executing and available to execute, on connected corporeal, virtual, and cloud devices, within a proprietary process domain, to enable and limit the use of the equipment and software to achieve designed and intended purposes under the [CIA] rubric of information confidentiality, integrity,… Read More »
“This certification requires the completion of coursework and proficient comprehension of Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Agile, GIT, RSPEC, TDD, Guard, MVC, and associated Rails technology.” We stand on the shoulders of our teachers for a time. They map out for us the structures of our technology. They get us to understand how the thing works,… Read More »
adding encryption security to your Rails user file
Our Rails app needed to keep user name and account information more secure, so we implemented an encryption gem to store encrypted data. This encryption allows for writing and reading encrypted field contents, and it isolates the encryption fields to the rails model and database, while allowing the rest of the rails application – controller… Read More »
NeuroSky on Rails App Notes
Artoo NeuroSky PC/Mac Developer Tools Linkedin: NeuroSky Brain to Computer Interface Technology NeuroSky App Developer Standards Eric Blue’s Blog on Neurosky Brainwave Visualizer 218 NeuroSky repositories A Binaural Beats Generator
order from chaos
After another panicky learning evolution this weekend – this one under the test driven development paradigm that evolved in rails to evaluate features (screen presentations) and models (data element validations) – the nature of rails is beginning to penetrate my thick skull. The mind attempts to order reality. We look for patterns in the chaos… Read More »
git commands
Rubocop error sleuthing
So, let’s say you’re a Ruby coder who uses Rubocop, the static code analyzer that monitors your coding style, and though your program runs fine, “Oh Look!” Rubocop has thrown you an error! And worse, it’s a mysterious error with a cryptic message! And let’s say this happens while you’re off-line and you can’t use… Read More »
things with strings
RuboCop is a Ruby static code analyzer. Out of the box it will enforce many of the guidelines outlined in the community Ruby Style Guide. The above links lead to authoritative sources about Rubocop. I wanted to make a comment about variable types, and one convention Rubocop enforces. This little program shows how loosely variables in… Read More »